In my daily reflections and readings, I am one who unabashedly extracts inspiration from the concepts “passion” and “purpose” fully understanding the power each can unleash. I also realize that the terms are prone to overuse and saturation in the vernacular which potentially weakens the promise each holds as pathways to dreaming dreams and pursuing goals. As they are frequently misused as synonyms and tossed together in the same salad, I have been vigilant about getting to know these two life-empowering and energizing words for their singularities as opposed to their similarities. The task of deconstructing each of them isn’t easy, but I have been on the trail of thinkers who have made the attempt to distill and distinguish. The author and innovator Kevin Kelly sets the table as follows, “Your passions should fit you exactly, but your purpose in life should exceed you. Work for something much larger than yourself.” I’m eager to hear reaction to this idea of passion as “fit” and purpose as almost unattainable in size and scope. There are some hairs that, when split, could reveal something truly useful and worthy. If you have read, or gleaned additional perspectives on ways to articulate “passion” and “purpose”, especially as it relates to our roles and responsibilities as teachers, leaders, and stewards, I hope you will share.
Pathways to Passion and Purpose